Wentworth. Wentworth is a drama series that is broadcast on Australian television. Last appearance: Legacy. Vera Bennett is the Industries Manager at Wentworth Correctional Centre. Following the riot, Bea must balance an uneasy peace with Ferguson with the needs and expectations of the women. After the tense cliffhanger ending of the eighth season, fans must be eager to see the characters back on the screen. In Wentworth's new season she's dealt with nothing but big dilemmas, from escapees and stabbings to her own personal situation of discovering she's pregnant to Jake Stewart (Bernard Curry) after their fling last season.. Vera is later asked by Linda to go to the governors office as the police wish to speak with her. Jake makes a run for it and tells Vera that Ferguson is awake. Significant Others Franky's parole hearing is brought forward. During season eight, most of the other characters refused to believe that Joan really did have amnesia, instead thinking she was faking the memory loss . In episode two, Vera returns to work as Industries Manager and tells them about the decision to let the women work in the call centre. When she goes missing a search of the prison turns violent for Will and Fletch. Vera later helped bring down Ferguson taking her complaints to the board. Later when the riot takes hold Vera runs to the creche where a traumatised Linda is and takes her baton to end the creche side of the riot. S5 E3 S5 E1 and later the two have to push past prisoners to get to a prisoner and slot her. Vera is also dealing with her ailing mother and the stresses of looking after her and being demoted back to deputy governor, Vera goes under the wing of Ferguson who teaches Vera all that she knows. Liz has a daunting favour to ask of Kaz S7 E1 Checkmate, S2 E1 The final season of the award-winning series begins three weeks after the shivving of Allie. Vera makes her way to safety and is hugged by Jake. S6 E8 Bea faces down an assassination attempt from the Holt clan. 5. My most hated character is Allie. S4 E3 Finally exposed as Allie's attacker, a desperate Judy makes an audacious play for Lou's protection while Ferguson fuels Eve's obsession with Jake. The extent of Bea's plan is revealed as she makes the final moves to avenge Debbie's death. 100%. Lombard then asks if Vera actually did drown the kid. Jake offers himself in exchange for Vera when Brody requests a methoxy whistle. Hell Bent. Bleed Out. Jakey, Stewart, Jake The Snake, Jakey The Hero. The siege continues, not everyone will make it out alive. S5 E7 Mercy. In episode ten, Jake is seen during the officer meeting where Will is telling everyone that they now need to be extra vigilant after Marie's death. Conspiracy to Attempted Murder, Corruption, Illegal Euthanasia, Blackmail, Conspiracy to Evidence Tampering, Assault, Interference with a Corpse, Conspiracy to Perjury, Evidence Tampering, Conspiracy to incite a Riot. The women are out for blood but Vera confines Ferguson to her cell for safety reasons. Jake later tells Vera about how he found her website but inducted her earlier, when Linda comes in and asks to help round up inmates. S8 E10 Vera asks Reb if he knows about what happened with Rattray, Reb denies knowledge and walks away, Vera tells Marie that she will be charged with assault on Rattray, which forces Reb to tell Vera the truth. Eleventh Hour. Loose Ends. Freak Show. Meanwhile, Fletch is on a downward spiral of self-destructive behaviour as his final day at Wentworth looms. Jake returns to her later and said that it worked. Bea sets in motion her final, audacious plan to exact revenge on Brayden Holt. Thank you. Jake is also there when Liz wants to tango with someone but not one of the prisoners know how to, Jake decides to tango and tick of an item on Liz's list. Whilst there was an officer in the original series with a similar name, A throwaway line in season 4 from Will telling Linda that Jake is gay and Linda repeating it Vera. Jake later tells Vera about it and when Vera goes to take the call from Ann, Jake takes the milk that Vera laced and Vera runs off after him and tells Jake the truth that Ferguson had passports under the Kath Maxwell name. Marie enacts her plan to bust out of Wentworth while Liz spirals into a psychotic meltdown. They meet in a little cafe near Franky's office. Vera and trio later go to the hospital to find Joan awake when asked if she knows any of them, Joan says no. S7 E3 Vera talks with Will about Miller and how she knows everything. Payback. Vinegar Tits Why does Vera always wear a hat . Jake is found by Vera when he is reported missing by another officer. Vera talks with Linda when Joan is with the police, Vera rushes in when a passport with Grace was seized. S7 E6 S9 E6 S1 E1 Portrayed By: Kate Atkinson. Metamorphosis. When Bea hears that Simmo's daughter is working for the Holts, she plants paranoia in Simmo's mind and fuels it to further her own plans. Season 5 took its fans through twists and turns, especially in episode 11. How can you be like that to Vera? what?". Meanwhile, Ferguson draws closer to achieving her quest to destroy Vera. Ferguson psychologically manipulates Vera and she crosses a point of no return whilst Maxine orchestrates a desperate bid to see her spurned lover. Jake talks with Eve who says she would like some vodka as she has a shot before she goes to bed. Smitten. Feeling betrayed, Vera takes steps to have Bridget dismissed and expose her relationship with Franky, but is forced to backtrack and enlist Bridget's help instead, when Ferguson makes a bid to be released into the general prison population. His behaviour was exposed to Will, Kaz and eventually Vera. This causes friction between Erica and Vera. Vera later talks with Will about Ruby and Marie, and says that she did it for Rita and what Rita did was for Ruby, Vera learns that Danny's death was an accident, and makes sure she takes the paperwork when Ann asks where it is. Vera and Will watch the Protection prisoners go into general and Vera asks Will if he's okay, Will is thankful he is no longer a murderer. Poking Spiders. He says to Vera later she hasn't broken character and it might be the real deal. An isolated and paranoid Franky tries to uncover which inmate is leaking vital information to Ferguson. With Franky in the slot, Jacs is ruling the prison and the women are living in fear. Bea sees this as a possible chink in her armour and tasks Doreen with uncovering the truth behind the name. Fletch reacts badly to Bea's grief triggering his memories of a horrific experience in East Timor. In episode ten Jake tells Vera that she is late for work as she spent half the night up trying to get her to sleep, Jake says it could be colic because "he googled it", later tells Wil and Vera about the courthouse incident and instructs Vera to get Grace and go, they manage later when the brawler arrives back at the prison to see Ferguson in the back of the brawler. Jake says its good that Joan doesn't remember who she is and Vera calls him and idiot. Sins Of The Mother. Vera asks if Jake was assaulted, and he says no. S5 E9 Liz becomes convinced of Sonia's innocence and then Don puts an offer to Liz which could change her life. Vera "Vinegar Tits" Bennett (Kate Atkinson) takes over as the governor in Wentworth.Foxtel. The Girl Who Waited, S1 E4 He was introduced as correctional officer, and husband of Governor Meg Jackson up until her death. With her supply cut and her powerbase decimated, she's on her own when prisoners come after her to claim what they're owed. Jake leads Marie back into general. If you seek to know the whereabouts of the ninth installment of the series, let us help you out! Vera when driving to work the next day falls asleep at the wheel and she realises she needs help. Vera comes in and asks Jake to take her for the night. Vera, for her part, is consumed with a desire for revenge against Lucy for infecting her with Hep C. Meanwhile, Bea's manipulations of Fletch result in him finally recovering his memory and alerting Will, who is on the verge of being arrested for Harry's murder, to the truth behind Ferguson's manipulations. Young British 'Wikileaker', Judy Bryant, is remanded to Wentworth facing charges of stealing secrets from the Australian government, is she a hero of the people or an enemy of the state? Ferguson, having found protection in Kaz's crew, cunningly blames Will for her brutal ganging, a move which only strengthens Kaz's support for her. Jake Stewart has clearly been unhappy about the arrival of former colleague Sean Brody at Wentworth. Prisoner Cell Block H Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. With Vera under Jake's spell, Ferguson performs an ultimate act of terror to dethrone Kaz and rule Wentworth. S2 E10 As Bea and Allie take their illicit affair further, Bea finds herself uncharacteristically tentative and vulnerable. S6 E11 Bea agrees to a visit with Kaz Proctor to demand she and her group stop committing violence in her name. The Abyss. Jake later tells Joan again that Miller is responsible for Liz Birdsworth's death as he prescribed her the wrong medication which caused her stroke. Meanwhile, Franky is preparing for her release. Boomer blossoms under Sonia's attention. Vera stepped closer to the Top . Vera and the officers go on the hunt and Vera finds him out the back and releases Jake from the cuffs and says that he was hit in the head with something. Panic Button. As the forces align against Ferguson, she begins to unravel, realising she is in a fight of her life, professionally and personally. In episode seven Jake delivers the mail to Lou, and is present when Ann tells the guards Ferguson is going to be released back into General. Franky and Bridget's relationship implodes as Franky insists on Ferguson's involvement in her murder charge. Vera and Rita go back to Wentworth and Rita tells her to get some sleep, Will is standing in the entrance to the slot furious. Joan ultimately saves Vera during the prison explosion and goes on the . Vera tells Joan later that she failed in whatever she wanted to do. In the wake of the shock murder, suspicion turns on various inmates and Ruby sacrifices her freedom for her sister. Jake is later seen rushing to H1 where he was ordered to lockdown H1 as protection was set to be reopened by order of the governor. With the murder charge against her dropped, Sonia is free to tie up loose ends. Bridget identifies Franky as someone she could really help, but Franky refuses to engage, venting her frustration by trashing the Education Unit. The Ties That Bind. He is later seen in the shower block when Allie shivs her own legs.. Jake is last seen when Ann says she would like a car ride home as her "calf is playing up". Vera talks with Allie and tells her that what Ferguson said under the LSD is meaningless. S4 E2 Vera in her office watches Linda spray Judy on Ann's orders and reports her for it. Vera later talks with Greg and says she is worried for Linda and it might be related to the siege. Kaz and Rita form an alliance. And as . An increasingly guilt-ridden Jake defies Ferguson by encouraging Vera to leave Wentworth with him. Bea questions whether she has the stamina or desire to be Top Dog for the next forty years of her sentence. Lovers And Fighters. He is portrayed by Robbie Magasiva. First Blood. Its success is largely due to the relatability of the prisoner and prison guard characters, who deal with real-life issues in a more controlled setting. The news of Ferguson's survival rocks Wentworth. When Bea defends Will, it backfires dramatically. Stewart serves as acting deputy governor when Will is suspended for drugs, and is the father of Vera's baby Grace. When her blood is found to have traces of LSD, she realises that her attacker caused the meltdown. S3 E12 Ferguson wants to stamp out drugs inside the prison and for obvious reasons Bea finds herself on common ground with the Governor. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. As Ruby undergoes surgery for the ruptured brain aneurysm, Rita makes a desperate appeal to Vera to be with her sister in hospital. Jake and Vera after the bombing of Wentworth. Maxine is committed to the chemotherapy and her prison family rallies around her. Vera Bennett Determined to protect her prison family, Franky finds herself front and centre of a kangaroo court to try Ferguson, unleashing a volatile situation that rapidly spirals out of control. Angel Of Wentworth. Like Kate Atkinson, who plays Vera Bennett, said: " [ Wentworth 's] just . Boomer sets the cat among the pigeons when she implicates Liz. Ann attacks Vera to the point Vera losses consciousness, Vera sees Joan but she passes out before she could see what Joan does. Season four picks up four months after the fire at Wentworth. Vera then has a argument with Jake after he finds out from Miller that she is having a girl, she tells Jake he can't play the victim card and Jake storms out, as Vera later has words with Miller, she later gives Jake an ultrasound pic and receives apology flowers from Miller, and allows Kaz to stay with Liz in medical after she has an episode. Is there a part 2 to Wentworth? Franky has commenced her sessions with Bridget, and in a candid moment admits to a desire for revenge against Bea. Franky starts to put her escape plan into action, while Ferguson exploits Jake and Tina's drug-flow problem to her own advantage. Rita's identity as cop is under threat of being exposed to the other inmates and Kaz embarks on a journey of self-discovery and atonement. In episode 8 Will is still angry at Vera, but he understands in the end why she did what she had to. With Maxine as acting Top Dog, Ferguson places Tasha in Lucy's orbit and when Tasha breaks the rules Maxine appears to have no choice but to punish Tasha. S9 E9 In the aftermath of Rita's exposure as a cop, the family fights for survival while Ann continues to unravel. Liz makes a risky play to get Sonia put into Protection. In S7 its confirmed that Jake was ex-lovers with Walford officer Sean Brody. S5 E5 Vera later tells Marie that she will not let her destroy Will. Someone discovers Liz's secret, but are they friend or foe? S5 E4 S4 E12 Jake takes Boomer to her conjugal and says "If this comes back to bite me in the arse" Boomer denies that it will. Vera says to Jake that Grace slept through the night at the sleep clinic but she needs routine. But realises this would implicate her to, so she keeps quiet.. Vera is 6 months pregnant and in the premiere is still governing the prison, she gets taken hostage by a junkie inmate and decides after that to step back from the governors duties, asking Will to take over as acting governor. So when Bea uses her standing as Top Dog to hit back, Ferguson takes revenge - she slots Bea and releases Liz from Protection, exposing Liz to a brutal bashing from Boomer. "H5. They could start by setting it when Nash, Brody and Jake were there (season 2 in Wentworth time, 2014ish). Jake is later asked by Vera to look after Grace for the night, Jake agrees and then asks Eve again to give him some more ideas to get rid of colic. Later when Eve is taken to medical Vera rushes to see what happened. Jake later takes care of Grace when Vera goes on a night out with Ann. Last Appeared S9 E10 S7 E8 S1 E8 But when Jake smuggles a new batch of drugs into the prison for Tina, Bea gets wind of the stash and orders Tina to flush the gear. with prisoners murmuring to themselves as Vera is furious about this, she tells Jake to stop being so protective. In the final countdown, the fate of everyone is uncertain. The final season of the award-winning series begins three weeks after the shivving of Allie. He later finds out that Vera is pregnant and he says he can make it work, but Vera refuses and tells him he will have nothing to do in her life or the babys. Jake Stewart is a Senior Officer and former Deputy Governor at Wentworth Correctional Centre. He tries to help her up but is pushed away. After being slotted for an aggressive confrontation with Ferguson, Liz's world is rocked with the arrival of a new prisoner. Vera later is seen taking Liz to strip search when she asks Sean and the other officers for their IDs, when Vera goes into the room, she is taken hostage and an officer is knocked out, during the struggle to keep Liz quiet, Vera manages to press the panic button and all hell breaks loose. Against Vera's wishes, Ferguson is released into general. Screw Lover. Fugitive. Born Again. Sonia returns from near death, hell bent on revenge against her poisoner. Blood & Fire. Jake then escorts Artie to Liz in the centre, and when the visit doesn't go to well, he tells Artie that Liz has been waiting a long time to see him and that she is a good person who deserves a second chance. It has prisoners who weren't involved in the siege..". He later tells Eve that she is needed to clean the conjugal room. The Long Game. Vera tries to poison Ferguson but Jake talks the milk she tainted and almost makes a coffee with it. Ferguson is losing control, and the walls are closing in. when does vera find out about jake on wentworth. Vera later tells Judy she can't let her call her dad. Fly Me Away. The fourth season of the television drama series Wentworth premiered on SoHo in Australia on 10 May 2016. Starting in Season 8, Liz loses this distinction, as she no longer appears due to her death. Jake is trapped when Ferguson reveals that her lawyers have ensured that the drug money trail leads direct to him. . In episode 10, Vera goes into labour while being taken hostage in the laundry along with the others, is taken hostage by Sean to get pain relief when one of his cronies is shot in the arm. Vera is seen in episode 5 walking around the prison, until she spots the security cameras have been moved, Vera goes to check it out and she finds Kaz's body, Vera then turns detective and calls the memorial for Kaz a bad idea, while Vera is helping the detectives she finds that Marie had a jumper on at one stage and took it off and is shut down by Will, is seen with Greg when he says that Liz may have done it, later Vera speaks with Greg again and says that Liz should've stayed in medical. When Linda says that Jake hasn't been seen since. Meanwhile, Maxine is diagnosed with breast cancer and can't bring herself to tell the other women. Divide And Conquer. Vera learns from Will that Ann has found out about Marie and Will's affair, she says to deny everything between the two of the them. S2 E7 Three months after Jacs death, new arrival Joan Ferguson makes an enemy of Franky, while Bea discovers a new purpose. Jake is jealous of the bond forming between Vera and a new colleague. Judas Kiss. S9 E1 The fact that she now despises Jake after finding out he was using her while he was under the thumb of 'The Freak . Franky and Allie draw closer on their quest to find a viable escape route, but their growing bond sends Bridget off the rails. Jake later leaving the prison, runs into Ann and says that he'll take her home because she's running at night, later the two are at the abandoned train station having sex in the car. Will and Vera talk where Vera says she is calling it off as she doesn't want to put anyone else at risk. Franky's under fire. Eve tells him boiled onion water. S3 E9 The Danger Within. Vera tells Ann that she needs help and Ann just brushes her off and blames Vera for not being there when her daughter died. Will confronts Jake and makes him realise what he did for Joan. Vera later goes to check the brawler but doesn't see anything wrong with it. S1 E9 S9 E8 A critically-acclaimed, award-winning gritty drama that follows the inmates of a women's prison. When they learn that 5 officers and 28 prisoners are still unaccounted for including Joan, Jake just says Joan is no longer their problem if she is dead. Vera watches with Jake, Joan's treatment in the psych unit. Fox Showcase, who air the show in its native Australia, has announced that the show is coming back for Season 9, which is expected to air Down Under in 2021, will be the final one for the show . as Jake breaks down realising his actions. When Vera returns home she vomits in the garden and breaks a pot plant, she has a go at Jake for leaving the window open. In episode nine Jake inducts Sheila to Wentworth after she is brought in on murder charges. None of us are thanks to you.".